Why Women Are Rejecting Perfect Men?
I get rejected all the time.....
Life Science The Wife Hack
Control is an illusion. Yet most of us, male and female alike, seek to control our lives. When the world or our job or our partner fails to live up to the expectations of our carefully crafted illusion .... we throw a temper tantrum, screaming at the storm that we can not control.
No matter what they say or even think, their biology leads women to actually a man, not another woman.
what the hell is risotto?? im not an ‘enlightened man’ LOL
despoused after 30 yrs. no infidelity either side. initiated by her.
mainly caused by stress when our business got taken out in ‘08.
she gof the house with no mortgage and a bunch of $, essentially all of
our assets. i also assumed 100% of the business debt. she went back to work in nursing. i got the opportunity to do a total restart with zero $ at age 56. best thing that ever happened to me. seven years later every penny of debt paid off, business great, doing it my way with no joint decisions.
will have to work till early 70’s before i retire but its ok. new boat being deluvered in spring. paid cash. lmao.
And therein lies the problem. It's the wussification of our society.
Probably some female editrix hag at Cosmopolitan Magazine.
problem is, only 24% of american women are conservative or republican and the 33% self identifying as 'independent' would be a crap shoot ( source )
keep in mind guys... American women make up only 5% of the women on the planet. as a bonus, the vast majority of women outside the US don't look like rosie o'donell or shamu, actually like being feminine, and really do like men.
In other words, probably closet homosexual beta males who were not man enough for even an average woman.
I was never perfect enough for my ex either. Now she’s alone and childless, and the biological clock is well past midnight for her. Oh well. Bed made.
The first husband is chosen as a stable, good provider and father, and for good alimony payments. The second is for “self-fulfillment “
It wasnt supposed to be this way. We men learned how to change diapers and cook risotto. We learned to watch for barely perceptible nods of approval before opening doors for women. We even learned to manscape, for goodness sake."
Get a clue, guys. Are you men or mice? I know I don't want some submissive wimp who's afraid to make a move without casting a furtive glance to see what kind of mood I might be in.
Quit being doormats.
I have a truly perfect man. He’s a warrior who loves God.