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To: Star Traveler

Your mistake is equating the “conservative position” with “never asking for any kind of help whatsoever, no matter how warranted.” That is twisted and a boon to the Left, who will always look for any opening they can to call a conservative, a hypocrite.

News flash: Not all good, conservative, American families are perfect. Sometimes they have problems beyond their ability to deal with. If you’ve never been confronted with such, get on your knees and thank God for it. But don’t just assume that another who has, is somehow “wimping out” or “being a hypocrite” because they ask for help.

83 posted on 02/05/2015 5:22:28 PM PST by workerbee (The President of the United States is PUBLIC ENEMY #1)
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To: workerbee

No ... I’m not saying that people can’t ask for help, but that it’s not the government’s position to set up “programs” to do this. As conservatives here on this forum have said before ... the government should not be in the business of “handouts” ... but rather neighbors and friends and churches and private organizations.

STOP the government from taking our TAX MONEY and forcing us to help who the GOVERNMENT thinks needs help, and leave it in the hands of PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS to give as they see fit for themselves. I believe THAT is the conservative position ... namely not to refuse to give help, but to give help freely of one’s own CHOICE and do so privately, without government coercion!

89 posted on 02/05/2015 5:32:22 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: workerbee; Star Traveler

“Your mistake is equating the “conservative position” with “never asking for any kind of help whatsoever, no matter how warranted.” That is twisted and a boon to the Left, who will always look for any opening they can to call a conservative, a hypocrite.News flash: Not all good, conservative, American families are perfect. Sometimes they have problems beyond their ability to deal with. If you’ve never been confronted with such, get on your knees and thank God for it. But don’t just assume that another who has, is somehow “wimping out” or “being a hypocrite” because they ask for help.”

His first knee jerk position was why should the state have to pay for it.

The whole keep the state out of family life didn’t come up for a bit.

I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he just got sucked into the heat of an argument and didn’t want to seem to lose face.

My own position is that this woman is trying mightily to take care of her family. Her oldest son has mental illness issues and is a danger to the other children.

She’s responsible enough to know that she can’t keep them safe with the disturbed child in the house so she asked for help.

As someone who has a child living in a group home I know it’s never a decision to be taken lightly.
The woman in this story is doing the right and responsible thing. Trying to Protect her children.

90 posted on 02/05/2015 5:33:40 PM PST by snarkybob
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