I asked someone who knew a girl that didn’t know she was pregnant until labor if there were any outward signs, if she was obese, etc. He said she just looked like she put on a little weight. He had last seen her at a family gathering (about a month before delivery) and she was sitting on the floor and didn’t look pregnant, just a bit heavier than before. She went to the ER when contractions hit thinking she had appendicitis.
Knowing his cousin’s (father of baby) family I’m pretty sure the mom was drinking throughout the pregnancy if she didn’t know she was expecting. That is the sad side effect of denial, stupidity or whatever-no necessary nourishment or protection of the little one forming in the womb.
I don’t know how any woman could not know they were pregnant. I’ve had 9 pregnancies (not all survived) and I knew early on every time. I also put on 20-25 pounds by the end so waddled around the last month or so. There was no way I could have been surprised.
I have been horrified to find out there are young women out there that have absolutely no clue about their menstrual cycle. I mean none. If I were a female I would want to know damn well when I was going to start bleeding from my crotch. I assume, probably correctly so, that these clueless women are the very same ones that demand abortions on demand.
Yeah I don’t get it either. I have 1 child and it is a medically kind of funny story how I found out I was pregnant.
I was model skinny to start with but wound up in the hospital with a burst appendix. They did a pregnancy test on me right away but I guess I was not far enough along for them to tell. I spent 2 wks in the hospital and came out a bag of bones. They told me I may not menstruate for awhile so not to worry about it.
About 5 mnths later I stood up and felt like my guts were falling out and thought....oh God there’s something wrong inside me again so I went to the doc. She said....you’re about 5 mnths pregnant. I had finally gained enough weight back that my regular clothes were fitting perfect. Noone believed I was 5 months pregnant. Was a really short pregnancy for me. Since daughter was 3 wks early I was essentially only pregnant for a little over 3 months. lol