That’s what they said about “Noah”, but it had a lot of material from the Book of Enoch. Movies are entertainment. If I want the bible story, I read the bible.
The makers of this film knew what they wanted to do, and they were willing to lose millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars, to deliver this product of the atheist who directed it.
Ridley Scott:
“the biggest source of evil is of course religion.”
“The Soviets appear to be the first to have used the cinema for a purpose other than entertainmentat least on a grand scale. Lenin said to Anatoli Lunacharsky, the Commissar of Education, “You are known among us as a protector of the arts, so you must well remember that, of all the arts, for us the cinema is the most important.””
Stalin declared: Cinema is the greatest means of mass agitation. Our problem is to take this matter into our own hands.
Amen! The Passion of the Christ was probably the closest we'll get to a "try to stay true" movie and I still consider it relevant mainly because it depicts the suffering we hear about but never really consider - it made His sacrifice more real to me.