How does Michelle Obama set lunch policy or enforce it? She is not a government official. And if she was, she’d be a federal executive officer, where schools are run by states and counties.
Explain please.
I’ve wondered the same thing, I suppose the same way 0bambam goes around Congress and ignores laws on the books.
Video: Palin-bashing CNN anchor claimed Michelle Obama signed bill into law (Qualified for TV?)
School lunches in America are subsidized with billions of taxpayer dollars. Virtually every school district gets a significant portion of their food budget from the Feds. So if they don’t comply with the federal rules, they don’t get the cash. That’s how they do it.
Personally we’re I a school superintendent I’d tell the Feds to go pee up a rope and keep the money. Then I would direct the schools to charge enough to cover the costs.
Much of the monies for publicity was taken out of NIH funds.
Luncheon nutrition program, and the like.
I beleive the White hut "Garden" is tended by the Park Service, and is operated for "OPTICS".
“schools are run by states and counties”
My,my, what a quaint idea.