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To: Dark Wing

I doubt active virus contamination is that easy, since ebola’s data sheet indicates it is a pretty ordinary virus.

See “Survival Outside Host”.

19 posted on 08/31/2014 11:20:58 AM PDT by yefragetuwrabrumuy ("Don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative." -Obama, 09-24-11)
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To: yefragetuwrabrumuy

You must have missed this post —

You May Have a New Strain of Ebola and Test Negative
08/30/2014 5:49:41 PM PDT · 52 of 60
Thud to exDemMom; Smokin’ Joe; Dark Wing

So people can contract Ebola from infected fomites, and the ID/LD 50 is only ten (10) virons. The CDC admits the Ebola virus can remain active outside the host for several days.

And you just stated in response to Flamberge:

Contact with contaminated surfaces is insidious and almost impossible to avoid. If a virus can survive for a few hours while encapsulated in a fomite or droplet, it can find a new host.

“Fomites become a problem when those infected with Ebola do not go to the hospital. People are avoiding the hospital—which could explain (at least in part) why this outbreak keeps on going.”

You just admitted that buildings can be contaminated by Ebola! People are at risk of contracting Ebola by entering Ebola-contaminated buildings, which can be grocery stores. I am an old Cold War civil defense guy and fully understand the implications of that.

The quarantine measures necessary to contain a significant Ebola outbreak in the U.S., absent widespread availability of an effective vaccine and/or treatment, will entail cessation of economic activity in the affected areas. This will have vast economic and financial effects. There will also be widespread panic which will have similar effects outside the affected areas.

This means likely economic and financial apocalypse countrywide should there be a significant Ebola outbreak in this country. Even in the absence of demographically significant fatalities.

That I understand too. Bill Quick has outlined a very possible scenario for such a financial apocalypse in the 2/3 of the U.S. not devastated by the fictional EMP pulse in his novel, _Lightning Fall_.

Basically, you have to treat Ebola bio-contamination like a persistent nerve agent in terms of PPE and decontamination procedure to be safe.

The primary difference being that you use high PH bleach water as the decontamination agent.

20 posted on 08/31/2014 12:34:02 PM PDT by Dark Wing
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