Did you ever wonder how the most culturally sophisticated society of its time produced the Holocaust?
People who will buy a human being should never be allowed to adopt a child-isn’t there a law against buying and selling humans, and isn’t slavery illegal in civilized countries?
Turning one’s back to the disabled - especially those born with a disability - well, there is a special place in Hell for those people.
I have an adopted son with CP - and I tell God every day that I am blessed to have him in my life! Selfish people don’t deserve these angels in their life anyways...
When you allow for all intents and purposes the buying and selling of children, this is what happens. Children become a commodity and in doing so, the best “product” is desired.
It’s all part of a larger trend of dehumanization.
Heavenly Father,
We pray in Jesus name for this surrogate mother and child that was born for a purpose. . .Your Purpose knowing there is a Divine plan for this baby girl. We pray that all physical needs be met, a hedge of protection on mother and child and we pray for divine healing for we know You are a Perfect God who can do ALL things. Let this story be used for Your Glory. In Jesus Name, Amen
I don’t see what the big deal is.
You buy a speaker system and don’t like the way it sounds, you take it back.
You buy a baby and don’t like it, you just return it too.