It was surreal to watch it on television — a half a dozen looters going in and out with handfuls of stuff, protesters outside on cellphones to 911 asking them to come and make some arrests, and police cars driving right by as if nothing is happening, reporters and live cameras out front recording it all.
Kinda like the Jews in Germany in the late '30s wasn't it. By that I meant by late '30s, the Jews were no longer entitled to the protection of the law. If a Jew complained to the police that he/she was robbed, assaulted, raped, ect.,he or she had the hell beat out of them by the police and their complaint was ignored. Because the Nuremburg Law[s] stripped the Jews of their citizenship. And the protection of the law. However, while the Jews was denied the protection of the law, the full prosecutorial element of the law fell squarely upon them.
This same concept is now being applied, covertly, to Whites at this point in time. By the term "White" I mean anyone that is not Black.