How difficult is it to migrate from Windows to Mint?
You need to ask the original author the moment, I’m using Kali Linus for penetration testing - using the command line...but when I do use it as a desktop - it’s fast and yields webpages flawlessly...
I have a Windows XP desktop sitting in my office that is about top be wiped and have Mint installed so I can continue to use that platform for in house testing...
Linux is straight forward - take a month and learn it - and you won’t turn back to Windows...I have to use Windows because of work...but, having a Linux setup is FAR superior to Windows....just wait - you’ll find out...
You could dual boot - Linux doesn’t take up alot of space...depending on which one you use...but, with everything free - it’s really the smartest choice out there...and you can bounce back and forth MS Office products as well...
if you don’t pay a lot of games moving to Linux should be easy but you need to ave every picture and doc file on a USB or something.
You can even put Linux on a USB or a DVD and some will fit on a CD and run them without installing to check them out