Not merely words like "masculine presenting" but most of the rest of what this woman was quoting these people as saying!
Total BS psychobabble!
Lord save us from this!
The thing is that from the picture in the article the “it” didn’t look all that “many” but probably the voice is what “gives it away”.
I swear i have been in public and you think you see a female and all of the sudden the mouth opens up and it is this weird really voice that is across between truck driver and monty python falsetto that comes out and you instantly just know that is a dude in a dress no matter how “good” they look. Or you see what looks like is a shrimpy “guy” and they open their mouth to speak and you instantly think Chaz bono of really manly lesbian...
Either that or they stumble around like a linebacker when they walk, there are a lot of “tells” if you watch people at a mall you can spot the weird ones easily, even if they look the part.
Libs are absolutely wrecking the English language.
Didn’t the problems of acquiring a cross-dresser’s wardrobe used to get covered in niche publications for fetishists?
Why is American Pravda focusing on a minority set of the already minority block of homosexualists (who make up 2% of the population)?