The cop was all ready to give the guy a ticket for honking at him. The cretin backed way off when it was going be something other than his word against a member of the public.
“Pray America wakes up”
I was pulled over by an out of jurisdiction city cop back when 55 mph was operative. I was discretely following him above the limit when he suddenly backed off and pulled me over. During our discussion as to why it was o.k. for him to be breaking the law (he was returning from the county jail where he had deposited a prisoner and I was on my way to work), he said “well you can tell it to the judge.” So I asked him if he knew where his chief lived?” While he was pondering an answer, I told him that while I would surely speak with the judge, he was going to have to talk to his chief who happened to be one of my neighbors and a good friend. His response was to hand me back my license and say “have a nice day.”