Homework time!
For extra credit, I have a Free Republic website issue.
I am the proud owner of two iPod Touch devices. On the newer one, every time I turn it on and go to Free Republic, I have to reenter my (long) screen name and (even longer) password. I must have a box checked (or unchecked) that is causing this, since my older device works without necessitating the extraneous typing of those tiny little letters.
Any thoughts?
Islamic extremists keep challenging Florida ID rules because they do not want their women to appear barefaced in photos.
Have you checked your account perameters? There is a box that says “remember my password”. Check that box.
There are options on the screen where you log in that either keep you signed in on this particular computer or log you out automatically when you close the browser. Pick the right option when you sign in and you are gold.
Today there remain several relevant, important double-plus unbarefaced things.
As always, 2.
It's a bold face you put on that barefaced lie. Your pride will be your downfall.
All if a sudden I’m having that same issue with the iPhone. Didn’t change any parameters or login so I am not sure why it happens now.