To: Tupelo; SierraWasp; tubebender
Bingo: “EARTH LIBERATION FRONT or ELF is an ecco-terrorist group Since Pickering was/is a spokesman for a known terrorist group, I would expect his mail among other things to be monitored.”
20 posted on
06/22/2014 6:20:47 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
( Herr Obozo, the Sunni WonDoer, will not divert $'s from his war on Americans to help our Veterans!)
To: Grampa Dave
Bongo in reply to your "Bingo!"
"Monitored" by monitor lizards who change their colors when Dems come to power!!!
30 posted on
06/22/2014 11:59:49 AM PDT by
(Obama is mad! He's getting madder with each crisis and now he's a real MADMAN with no temper left!!!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson