Obama knows science about as well as he knows American History.
FR: Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below (I know, I know. Old news)
FR: Australian deserts are controlling global CO2 levels?
What? No 99.99% of all scientists agree with ME!!
Oblabber — “No matter what you do in life, you will run up against a stubborn status quo and people determined to stymie your best efforts, who say you can’t do something and shouldn’t bother trying.”
Normally people are proposing radical new things that will make life better, more enjoyable, more fun, more economical, more healthy and longer.
The “cures” for AGW will bring impoverishment, more government freebies to the enslaved class, higher death rates, environmental cataclysm, despoilment of the US landscape, fried and chopped wildlife, wiped out insect populations, extreme pollution in China to make solar panels — all for zero gain or benefit.
Are you referring to “The History Of Slavery and Imperialism of The United States”???????????
OK!! Everybody pay attention!
Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a ball of fire that controls the climates of all its planets.
3. The earth is one of the suns planets.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than-specks in congress plan to control the sun?
Obama wants all us to live like his parents...in a grass hut living on watery soup and reading Karl Marx.
I hate this man with a passion....with the heat of a million suns.