It’s a trick. I erased the car and found out there’s nothing there except some rubber (left over tire marks prolly, just sayin.) Maybe the guys painting that day forgot to paint that one, or maybe the car was there when they were painting, so they though they’d come back some other day, and either forgot, or maybe they just haven’t gotten back to it on their list of parking spots to go back and paint.
If there WERE a number there it would probably be in the millions, because that’s a pretty big car, for Asia. They drive smaller cars than we do because of being on the bottom of the Earth a heavy car falls off and they all die and stuff like that CRASH into the moon.
But you better not tunnel through the Earth to find out the number cause
1. It’s not there, I already checked and too, ...
The car might fall on your head just when you thought you were going to see the answer, upside down, is all I’m saying to you.