From your post.
If we cannot receive the gift without rejecting sin, then I submit that no one has ever received the gift.
Even with the gift, and the Holy Spirit within our hearts, we cannot go through a day without some sort of sinful behavior. If we were able to do so, we would be able to be justified and worthy on our own merits and Jesus would not have had to die for us. You can twist the Good News any way you want and apply any canons/tenets/philosophies you want, but the truth of the matter is that we are all as sullied as the vilest homosexual without Jesus' blood to wash away our sins. There's just a bunch of us that hate that fact and they have to try to prove that they have some sort of spiritual superiority - Jesus ran into a bunch of folks like that and called them some sort of hypocrites.
Can't be proved or disproved, so we get distracted from carrying the Word by involving ourselves in the gyrations that make us feel holier than them. Folks will descry a Baptist Minister preaching brimstone and hell-fire w/o including the Love of Jesus, then we ignore the message of Love and concentrate on what's wrong. Telling the Good News as often as one can has a far greater chance of helping someone become saved than telling them that they stink and leaving it at that.
I did not write those sentences you ascribed to me. You must be confusing me with someone else.
Be that as it may...
From your post tome...
RE: Can’t be proved or disproved, so we get distracted from carrying the Word by involving ourselves in the gyrations that make us feel holier than them.
NOPE. Christian don’t or at least SHOULD NOT feel holier than anyone. We are all sinners in God’s eyes and regardless of of the kind of sin we are prone to, we need to examine ourselves and ask for God’s mercy daily.
As Jesus Himself taught us to pray, “Forgive us our trespasses, ever as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
Having said that, there is nothing wrong when the occasion arises to talk about homosexuality and what God’s word teaches about it.
It is not “holier than thou” to simply teach what God Himself says.
RE: Folks will descry a Baptist Minister preaching brimstone and hell-fire w/o including the Love of Jesus,
Sure, preaching must be balanced. Always include Hope and the Love of Jesus, but balance definitely INCLUDES telling people what is and is not sinful.
A good doctor will tell his patient truthfully about his physical condition and also tell him the cure or treatment for it.
Same is true with someone who preaches about our SPIRITUAL condition.