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To: sneakers

Mimi time is the best:) ...she’ll be 2 in July and is talking up a storm. She loves “fancy things” (like bracelets and placing stickers on you to make you fancy too!)

Has little Baby Sneakers settled into a sleep routine yet? So good that they are close by and you’ll get to see her so often.

Here things are changing AGAIN...the revolving door is spinning again. Son who is getting married in November is moving to his house in OH this weekend. Another one leaving the nest...but the vultures left behind are quarrelling over “his” soon to be empty room (in a we put the “fun” in dysfunctional sorta way). Youngest wants the bigger room; PaDad proclaimed he wants an “reading room” (we own like a dozen books but I guess he wants them all stacked “there”) and I want to use for baby. Meanwhile, it will take weeks to get all of “ extra” stuff, that I know he is going to leave behind, out of there. Same thing happened when our daughter moved out—her apt (then house) neat as a pin...because 17,000 are still HERE!!!

13 posted on 05/16/2014 4:13:53 AM PDT by PennsylvaniaMom ( Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...)
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To: PennsylvaniaMom

LOLOLOL! Sounds familiar. Son and wife moved from half a house to an apartment so our spare room is now filled with BOTH their things now. My girl cave is a mess because he chucked all the stuff from the spare room into the here.

Grandbaby is doing fantastic! They found out that she had acid-reflux. That’s why she was crying all the time. She’s on a very tiny dose of Xantac - or whatever is for acid reflux. She sleeps better, doesn’t cry and much and doesn’t spit up as much. Hard to believe she’s already almost a month and a half old.

Hard to believe your granddaughter is almost 2!!! My great-nephew is growing like a weed and all boy! His daddy will have him out there hunting and fishing in no time!

16 posted on 05/16/2014 4:24:26 AM PDT by sneakers
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