Posted on 05/12/2014 5:33:22 AM PDT by xsmommy
Word For The Day, Monday, 5/12/14
In order that we might all raise the level of discourse and expand our language abilities, here is the daily post of "Word for the Day".
screed; noun
1. a long discourse or essay, especially a diatribe. 2. an informal letter, account, or other piece of writing. 3. Building Trades. a. a strip of plaster or wood applied to a surface to be plastered to serve as a guide for making a true surface. b. a wooden strip serving as a guide for making a true level surface on a concrete pavement or the like. c. a board or metal strip dragged across a freshly poured concrete slab to give it its proper level. 4. British Dialect . a fragment or shred, as of cloth. 5. Scot. a. a tear or rip, especially in cloth. b. a drinking bout.
Etymology: 12751325; Middle English screde torn fragment, irregular (with sc- for sh- ) representing Old English scrēade shred
Rules: Everyone must leave a post using the Word for the Day in a sentence.
The sentence must, in some way, relate to the news of the day.
The Review threads are linked for your edification. ;-)
Practice makes on....
There are storms and a cool front on the way, and my pets are sensing it-Husky girl let the cat from next door lure her into chasing him onto the top of the 4Runner when we were outside earlier, and the cats are tearing around like maniacs-Midget girl even joined into the chase-and-tackle Titus and Yeti boy were doing-until Yeti boy was poised to pounce on her-she hissed and ran under the sofa in terror.
He and Titus play safely and well together, but Midget is really too little for Yeti to play with because he is too big, and plays too rough for her...
It is still a favorite color of mine-I have a couple of turquoise T-shirts I wear to work.
the dogwalker and her three dogs welcomed Jules and Chan to their home while we were away for graduation. She sent me a hilarious pic in text of Julius attacking her vacuum cleaner. he truly cannot stand vacuums and i thought i had told her that!
There is a great photo going around that has Moose on one side with her #bring back our girls - the other side is a group of Marines with a sign that says, “Hashtags don’t rescue girls, we do”
That is hilarious! Husky girl does not like the vacuum cleaner either-she snarls and lunges at it. I’ve never had a dog that didn’t hate the things-maybe it is the noise-they think it is a predator of some sort...
What do you think of the tile that looks like wood? I am having either hardwood or that tile put down this summer and a neighbor got the tile - she can clean it with a steam mop, unlike wood. It looks great - have you seen much of it? I’m wondering how it wears compared to wood
Hahaha-that is great! But then, we all know how much our troops love the first grifters, don’t we?
If you are referring to the wood pattern glazed ceramic tile, it will take a lot more punishment than wood-I only put real wood where it won’t get too much hard use or traffic-like a bedroom, or the like-even with 3 coats of urethane, it is not as easy to clean as tile or laminate.
There is some light oak woodgrain laminate in this place, and it actually looks and wears well-we also put it in both my contractor compadre’s bathrooms and breakfast area awhile back. It isn’t as inexpensive as tile, but is less than wood. It installs easier than tile or wood, too...
My neighbor has small children and pets - she loves it. I had gotten a quote for wood but now am thinking we might go with the tile. The tile in my kitchen and breakfast area has very tiny grout lines so I can use the steam mop on it and I love that! I would love to be able to do that in my hallways and entry. Thanks for the info
You’re welcome any time-the woodgrain laminate is attractive in an area like a bath or kitchen, where the look of wood is nice, but the real thing would be destroyed by the wetting of the floors and humidity. If I can afford to, I may put it on the floors of the bath in my nest instead of tile.
Surprised you didn’t have a stroke.
Anyone dumb enough to screw with the occult like it is a game deserves whatever they get-we were taught as kids not to even call up imaginary spirits innocently with a Ouija board. There should be some adults on staff who know this is not a safe or sane thing to do, no matter whether you are a catholic, protestant, jew, buddhist or of no faith at all but I guess there are not...
I’ve been computer-less, but now I have one of them back. My laptop will come back next week and I will be fully enabled for producing many screeds!
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