Ghandi only worked because the English were a moral nation. If he had faced an Adolph Hilter he would have been rolled over by a truck—before he started. Beck as done some good things—The Blaze—a counter newsorganization is tops—His support of the Tea Party was welcome—and his set up of a new news cable network (needs to be out their more) All of this is good—BUT his endless piching of ghost written books and events is sounding worse than BOP (what is his next book? Killing Allan Cooms?). His Preachness gets under my skin as well. Heck, I know he’s a Mormon and all—and I don’t mind him piching his beliefs (as I don’t mind BOR talking about the Roman Catholic Faith he holds dear) BUt when he starts to get on his soap box pulpet its terrible. Leave to Preaching to Rev. Franklin Graham or Pope Francis—You are out of your pay grade in this.