The thing is there is nothing wrong with what Bundy said if you take it in the context that he intended it. But you have to be careful with the liberals because if they can, they’ll take everything you say out of context.
And at the same time accuse us of taking remarks of some of them out of context! I actually heard a woman in my neighborhood defend Rev. Jeremiah Wright this way when I lived in Seattle.
Wrong. They will work their way around to calling anybody who doesn't agree with them anything they want to ...regardless.
Why waste time being careful? Do you think they wste time worrying about what conservatives think?
IMO, it's better to laugh at them than to reason with them.
The important question according to the reporters traveling with the POTUS, did he like the green-tea ice cream? How do reasonable people fight that? It's a waste of time.
Be who you are and don't apologize!