All other forms of music currently hold their own against electronic music. Now in the studio, that would be another matter, what with computer programs like “Autotune” used to correct bad takes to put the singer’s voice back in tune (the same software that makes atonal speech sound like singing, i.e. for comedic effect).
I get the impression that Auto-tune is like Spell Check for the performer who doesn’t know how to sing on a stage without a good sound engineer, but does know how to put on a visual spectacle to distract the average listener.
There’s some good music out there, but much of the very popular stuff sounds like a refrain or the fade out played over and over. The bridge is usually where the sound is sped up, the voice mechanically rises about three octaves sounding like Alvin the Chipmunk, and the percussion explodes randomly. I guess that’s where you’re supposed to be in Dance Floor Ecstacy, or bobbing your head while sitting in an office chair.