This is not a pet. It is taxpayer property. A work animal, like a stud bull or draft horse.
Read through the thread regarding my dissaproval of dogs being employed for attacks given the unreliability of their ability to differentiate between a fleeing criminal and an ordinary citizen with a phobia of dogs.
America is not a war zone (yet.)
These animals have no more place being deployed where there may be
innocent bystanders than no knock raids have a place outside of hostage situations.
Am I cheering? No. No post I have made indicates that.
But I am no more displeased than if we lost a car, and attack dogs are a toy that needs to be removed from our irresponsible gendemari along with their
ninja face masks and their armored personnel carriers.
I take you will now join others in defending the militarization of law enforcement (which the dog in question is undeniably part of) No problem. I don’t need your help in opposing that.
German Shepherds are more trustworthy to their owners than I can say for most people.
This is not a pet. It is taxpayer property.
No one, or I disputed that. You pulled that out of thin air.
These animals have no more place being deployed where there may be innocent bystanders than no knock raids have a place outside of hostage situations.
They do have a place in law enforcement. For example they can find, smell out and locate violent suspects when the cops cannot. Public places included. In fact they can turn to an attack on a bad violent person while simply performing a search. In fact one just had it's jaw blown off in CA after locating an armed suspect.
Should they be used in all situations? Clearly not. However they can be extremely valuable in various ways. This is not even debatable.
Your comment about this dog being no more important than a used Ford cop car is bull sh*t and seems to portray your character as being icy, ignorant and possibly unstable.