Maybe in your bird-brain.
I offer the following, just for a start:
BLM - Disband
EPA - Diaband
BATF&E - drastically reduce size
DoE(education) - disband
Give me 10 minutes and I'll come up with a dozen more...
Doe,NEA,.... ohh wait, my doorbell is ringing. I’m back. FDA, FHA, DOA...damn doorbell.
Amen. Let the states set up their own independent bureaus. Abuses will still occur, but not on the level of the Feds.
The single most important agency to abolish along with its enabling legislation is the IRS.
Without the brass knuckle extortion gang the federal government has nothing.
If the federal government needs more then customs duties because we abolished such duties, then the states can pay an annual fee, and they can collect the taxes.
Repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments would be the key to such a system, which would put the federal government back in its place.