1 posted on
04/04/2014 1:22:24 PM PDT by
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To: BuckeyeTexan
In case you want to ping the list.
To: Olog-hai
So she’s an activist, on the SC, ,,,,,, isn’t that wonderful.
At least we have Roberts. /puke
3 posted on
04/04/2014 1:26:51 PM PDT by
(I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
To: Olog-hai
Because enforcement of the law should be unexpected.
How else can you keep the peasants cowering in their hovels?
5 posted on
04/04/2014 1:27:48 PM PDT by
E. Pluribus Unum
("A man who damns money obtained it dishonorably; a man who respects it has earned it." --Ayn Rand)
To: Olog-hai
"...driven by the American concept that success should always be based on merit. The problem with that concept, I think, as most people know, is that success is not always about merit." Oh, boy. So, what should success be based on? Skin color? Somebody's idea of who or what should be successful?
To: Olog-hai
The unwise Latina is a racist joke.
7 posted on
04/04/2014 1:28:39 PM PDT by
VRWC For Truth
(Roberts has perverted the Constitution)
To: Olog-hai
No, sometimes you have to do your job and uphold the oath you took regardless of your personal beliefs you stupid, left wing liberal b****.
8 posted on
04/04/2014 1:28:42 PM PDT by
(I support Joe Carr in the TN GOP Primary against Lamar!)
To: Olog-hai
“Every time we decide, even when Im in the majority and I think were right, you know that theres a loser.”
There is so much banal ignorance conveyed in that single sentence, it’s astounding. A junior high-school debating team captain is now sitting on the USSC. Put there because of her nationality and despite her inadequacy and unsuitability for the job. What a disgrace.
11 posted on
04/04/2014 1:31:42 PM PDT by
Attention Surplus Disorder
(At no time was the Obama administration aware of what the Obama administration was doing)
To: Olog-hai
It means that the issues are not clear under existing law you mean like when Justice John Roberts inserted his own language into the ACA and replaced Fine with Tax? Is that what you mean Justice Sotomayor? You activist POS.
To: Olog-hai
I agree... she should do the unexpected... and starting voting with Thomas every time :)
It would be hilarious to see the liberals heads explode if such a thing came to pass
16 posted on
04/04/2014 1:34:42 PM PDT by
(Obama lied .. the economy died.)
To: Olog-hai
What a self-involved dolt.
18 posted on
04/04/2014 1:36:16 PM PDT by
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: Olog-hai
Once she started talking about being a “wise Latrina” I kinda lost interest. Race based wisdom doesn’t appeal.
21 posted on
04/04/2014 1:39:50 PM PDT by
(Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.)
To: Olog-hai
Once we decide, there is no more hope.
We'll see about that.
22 posted on
04/04/2014 1:40:30 PM PDT by
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: Olog-hai
The wise Latina just told us she’s all about picking a team. To my mind, our only hope is to prove Obama wasn’t eligible to nominate her or Butch. I realize there are those who will say, ‘but they were confirmed’ but they would never have come up for confirmation in the first place. Obama stole someone else’s opportunity to nominate.
23 posted on
04/04/2014 1:42:45 PM PDT by
(The only difference between flash mob 'urban yutes' and U.S. politicians is the hoodies.)
To: Olog-hai
success is not always about merit And every time it isn't we should hold it up for contempt. Whether the success is based on political pull, family name or just dumb luck we should always state that the reason isn't for merit. Success without merit for some also taints those who are in the same group who did merit that success.
The left are more than willing to make those arguments when claiming that the majority of inheritances should be taken by the government because the heirs didn't earn that money based on merit. Odd, but they never seem to feel that way about their favorite family of drunkards and pill-poppers from Boston, believing that every new generation should exert even more power.
24 posted on
04/04/2014 1:43:48 PM PDT by
(Republican amnesty supporters don't care whether their own homes are called mansions or haciendas.)
To: Olog-hai
This is great news since the “unexpected” from her would be to actually uphold the constitution. Unfortunately, that’s probably not what she means.
To: Olog-hai
It's not your job to be interesting.
It's not your job to make new laws.
It's not your job to make justice a crap shoot.
Your job is to interpret the law and explain and clarify when it's unclear.
28 posted on
04/04/2014 1:48:18 PM PDT by
(Corporate Profits are better than Government Waste)
To: Olog-hai
To: Olog-hai
"Once we decide, there is no more hope."
Well, not anymore since Traitor Roberts went to the Dark Side. Now that 0bama et. al. don't follow The Law, no one else has any need to either.
31 posted on
04/04/2014 1:53:21 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
In case you want to harf up your lunch.
THey are not the ultimate deciders. Future courts can overturn their verdicts. Congress can pass laws putting topics out of reach of SCOTUS. The People can say eff off to SCOTUS.
32 posted on
04/04/2014 1:54:30 PM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Olog-hai
She could follow the law and apply the true meaning of the Constitution in her opinions. That would sure as hell be “unexpected.”
33 posted on
04/04/2014 2:06:06 PM PDT by
(I don't like bossy women telling me what words I can't use.)
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