Did Vikings navigate by polarized light?
Nature | 31 Jan 2011 | Jo Marchant
Posted on 1/31/2011 11:30:21 PM by Palter
I was also going to post ‘this is not new’.
I’m sure not everybody with interest saw it, though.
But children are still taught the ‘myth’ (CC ‘discovering’ America)...and the Egyptians still won’t permit the ‘solid gold’ artifacts to be assayed to show they’re not just ‘plated’...
Thanks for the reminder.
Forty years ago I lived in a Scandinavian county for a few years. The fact that the Vikings navigated, including to their North American settlement(s), using a “sun stone” was well known at that time. It’s good to see the “scientific” community catch up. One day they may even discover that ancient people used fire to cook food!