Why do you say fringe religion of creationism? Do you not know that MAINstream religion is all about believing in a supreme creator and that up until recently this country was essentially a Christian one? Meaning that a majority of the people living here had a belief in God...now it’s called “fringe” wow.
Note that I said creationism, not Christianity.
As far as I can tell, creationism is the belief that the book of Genesis is a literal and exact account of the beginning of the world, with the concurrent belief that anyone who says otherwise (like scientists who devote their lives to studying the physical world) is a member of some vast conspiracy. Many attributes of creationists do not align with Christians--for instance, by bearing false witness (proscribed by the Ten Commandments) when they claim that all scientists are liars who invent data. Furthermore, I think they also violate the Ten Commandments by worshipping the earth instead of the creator of the entire universe, who was very clear on whom He expects us to worship.