while it would really be great if we could reason with wild carnivore predators,
we don’t live in a Disney animation and it doesn’t work that way.
I read the whole article and I still can’t believe my own eyes.
Some of the comments were insane.
“Hannah Bochart sounds like a brave and nature-loving woman. She did all the could to protect her dogs and yet she still has compassion for the lone, starving wolf. You are a great woman!”.
I’m sorry.
No, she did *not* “do all she could” and she freely admits she will not be doing all she can, in the future.
For me, the article would have been overflowing with repeated mentions of bullets.
LOTS of bullets, much blood and a dead wolf.
None of that pathetic, emotion-projecting, creepily detailed narrative she spewed.
This went on for 20 minutes??
Dead wolf.
Very DEAD wolf.
Instead, there is now an even more emboldened wolf who knows it can kill with people nearby without fear of harm to itself.
In a week, it will be hungry again.
Hope people keep their kids inside.