There are a lot of people who are seeing the light, now that obama’s style has become evident.. and the destruction is happening. But... they believed him and voted for him.. and his skin color. That is where the damage was done... in that vote. IF they had not been so blind with his skin color, they could have kept him out of the office for a second term. I don’t give them any credit for their change of mind NOW... it’s too late to undo what is now happening.
We are now reaping the consequences of their vote.
It’s nice that the man has chosen Jesus Christ... but he is a little late for the country right now. It’s being destroyed.. and there are still 2+ more years to go.
Thanks to their allegiance to the color of his skin.
“So, Slambat, do you consider yourself a Christian?”
Why turn it on me? I’m not the supposed christian preacher
who voted for the most anti christian president in American
history simply because he’s black. What does who and what
I believe have to do with this guys racist hypocrisy?