1 posted on
03/05/2014 10:20:51 AM PST by
To: rdb3; Calvinist_Dark_Lord; Salo; JosephW; Only1choice____Freedom; amigatec; Still Thinking; ...
2 posted on
03/05/2014 10:21:15 AM PST by
(Linux -- The Ultimate Windows Service Pack)
To: ShadowAce
No doubt the “Mavrogiannopolous patch” will soon become a household name.
To: ShadowAce
So, before it became a serious issue, a private developer fixed it and released the patch for free?
Is there supposed to be a downside to this?
4 posted on
03/05/2014 10:25:07 AM PST by
Dead Corpse
(Tre Norner eg ber, binde til rota...)
To: ShadowAce
Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, Oracle, Slackware and SUSE have all rolled out updates aimed at closing the loophole. Probably a good idea it was kept under wraps until AFTER the updates were sent out.
8 posted on
03/05/2014 10:30:37 AM PST by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans!)
To: ShadowAce
I wonder how this will affect many smartphones. Android sits on top of a Linux system.
9 posted on
03/05/2014 10:31:25 AM PST by
(Freedom isn't free; nor is it easy. END ALL TOTALITARIAN ACTIVITY NOW.)
To: ShadowAce
But Apple and Linux aren’t vulnerable, only Microsatan! Just shows to go ya it’s always something! bad people will always find a way to screw with us.
12 posted on
03/05/2014 10:35:23 AM PST by
(I'll take a bad dog over a good politician any day!)
To: ShadowAce
What makes this particular vulnerability special? Security problems are discovered every day.
Here is a long list. Check the dates.
Install your updates, people! Hope you weren’t thinking that it’s only necessary on Windows machines…
19 posted on
03/05/2014 10:44:56 AM PST by
To: ShadowAce
20 posted on
03/05/2014 10:47:33 AM PST by
To: ShadowAce
Yep, and this is why a fully formally verified OS would be so desirable… provability on the absence of bugs.
24 posted on
03/05/2014 11:02:21 AM PST by
(Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
To: ShadowAce
This article is obviously untrue. Linux and Apple products are completely immune from viruses. Only Microsoft products are affected by hackers.
29 posted on
03/05/2014 11:17:45 AM PST by
To: Bloody Sam Roberts
To: ShadowAce
So...what package would a Mint 15 or 16 user install? An Ubuntu patch?
41 posted on
03/05/2014 11:49:13 AM PST by
Bloody Sam Roberts
(Truth sounds like hate...to those who hate truth.)
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