In this case, the guy says his sister and some other relatives are nurses, so he doesn’t need a pediatrician.
I think a lot of it is just plain stubbornness. Like a teenager. If someone in “authority” tells them something, they automatically do the opposite.
And then there are those who don’t realize that there are lots of morons out there reproducing and if hospitals don’t make an effort to make sure people have some clue, they can be sued.
but yes, the clientele has seen a diminution of smarts and savvy, apparently.
or like a libertarian... ; )
“Like a libertarian”
That describes a lot of my beliefs-and I’ve always been an unrepentant rebel-if I were a Viking, I’d likely want to go to valhallah, sword in hand. We differ on many opinions here, but most of us are at least somewhat suspicious of nanny authority, however we perceive it. Trusting authority is likely not a healthy thing to do in today’s world.
BTW, if I were the about-to-bingo parents, I’d just have my insurance co call the hospital/birthing center and now fool with it myself isn’t that part of what you pay premiums for?