Yes. Read this thread .
If someone has DSL/Cable you can get the evaluation copy here:
See thread on how to install. Ask ? as needed.
Actually I could download what you are talking about onto my laptop when I visit my sister. That would give me 90 days to change it over as well.
I understand the pro's and advantages of a new machine and the expected life of an older machine. That's why I bought new machines before when I could do it. That said I have yet to have a HD crash or processor burn up. Every computer I ever bought back to one in 1999 still boots up. I use good surge protection on both the phone line and power side which helps. My house voltage is set at 115/230 volts and that also helps as opposed to the now standard 128/256 volts I've been seeing in a lot of places including my house till I raised cain.