What is it? A sequel?
I just saw it. Drove 60 miles to have dinner and watch the show with a dear friend. I did not see the Bible Series so can’t compare but this falls short especially if you are not knowledgeable about the Bible. I knew when they had the wisemen at the manger scene we were in for some inerrancy issues. The BIGGEST TRAVESTY OF THE EXPERIENCE WAS HAVING TO SIT THROUGH TRASHY PREVIEWS OF COMING ATTRACTIONS. DEFINITELY NOT FOR FAMILY VIEWING OR FOR THAT MATTER ANYONE’S VIEWING . . THIS WENT ON FOR A GOOD HALF HOUR! Except for my friend, I knew no one in the theatre and the response to the show was tepid at best and there was concern about the lack of opportunities for the non-saved viewers to get a Salvation message out of it. I found myself coming home to do a fact check in my Bible and suggest if you go, you do the same. Maybe it was the blatant omission of key scriptures or the inclusion of half scriptures such as Jesus saying “I am the Way the Truth and the Life . . . . the ending of that scripture never was given “no man comes to the Father but by Me” John 14:6
More time should have been spent sharing the Gospel on the Christian networks rather than devoting whole shows that spent time rehashing the making of the movie “fawning” over the producers.
May I suggest the following for excellent resources. They have just remasterd the Jesus Film in HD http://jesusfilmhd.com/ or the Voice of the Martyrs film Jesus He Lived Among Us can be purchased in bulk for next to nothing We gave out hundreds at Christmas time and are still distributing. https://secure.persecution.com/p-5088-jesus-dvd-sleeve-pack-of-20-englishspanish.aspx
So all that to say this. . .it was a disappointment.