In order to get the jackboot legal protections removed we would need the voting public interested and involved in the issue. If people were paying attention and active PD’s would be racing to dispose of thugs like this and then the issue would seem to be moot.
That is why in addition to being active we need to become interested not only in fixing the problem but also in retribution. We can make bad cops go away through political action but like you say we cannot keep them away without punishing them personally.
Cops cannot solve all crimes... especially when criminal buddies intimate them to participate and threaten them. Not all crimes are solved by the police because many criminals are more clever than the police and often infiltrate departments and hold hush abortion PC agenda type political offices.
It takes a citizenry with arms and their own cameras and free speech to expose these areas of great crimes. It is not only a right but a civic duty against those parasite who do not want to work for their country or any country.