There are inexpensive computer programs that can detect photo manipulation with great accuracy. The fact that no birther seems to have investigated this tells me they do not have any confidence in their conclusions that so many images are altered. If you ask here at FR many people will be able to do this analysis for you. Heck I’ll even buy you the software if you promise to use it and are honest in reporting the results
But I repeat, your method for deciding whether something is photoshopped or not is whether you see what you expect to see - yet you have no expertise in any sort of analysis that makes your opinion of any value. No expertise in flying, diving, photography, image anlysis, rescue protocol ... anything really. That is why you are not convincing anybody.
But please address the Fake Fuddy in the Casket Issue. If that is her body, all your theory falls apart. Why did no mourners question that? If you cannot answer that you have no theory.