So why didnt' he just tell the owners to come get their dog and put it in the house? The "life was in danger" canard is total BS - when was the last time you read about a full grown man being killed by a family dog?
Legal precedence.
Sooner rather than later, everybody’s going to be eligible for making cops feel like their “life is in danger”.
I have stopped taking my dogs out except for vet visits because of this crap.
Cars get stopped here for stupid reasons, now.
Case in point, we were heading north on I81 when hubby thought maybe he’d left his wallet at the feed store one exit back.
We pulled off right on the shoulder of the ramp of the cloverleaf to check, in case we had to reverse direction to go back and get it.
In the <2 minutes we were sitting there, out of nowhere, a state cop appeared at my side of the car and knocked *hard* on the window, nearly scaring me to death.
He’d made a point to pull over and walk up to us *just* to see “why” we were stopped there.
[not sitting in the line of traffic, being a hazard to anyone or anything else, mind you]
What if one or both of the Dobes had been in the car?
They go bats if somebody walks too close to it, let alone nearly knocks a window out, pounding.
What -if- he “felt threatened” by them, even though they were inside the car, buckled into their safety harnesses, *but* doing exactly what they’re supposed to?
They can just stay home.
The law has gone berserk.
That cop stood there until hubby searched and found his wallet under the seat where it had fallen off the console...just to be sure we weren’t lying, I guess.
I kept waiting for him to freak out and hallucinate that hubby had “pulled out a weapon” instead of his wallet or some such madness.
I can’t wait for summer.
Because of The Blue Knights MC and our frequent benefit rides, cops generally leave bikers alone.
Until my ass back on my Harley, I’m considered a potential “danger”.
This is not America.