If she’s going to retry for 1st degree, she’s just proving herself to be the unqualified fool she is. We’re looking at an instantaneous action of pure, malicious stupidity by a very pissed off man, one that pretty well qualifies for 2d degree, not first. Since he was convicted on four other serious counts, three of them for attempted murder, he’s going away for most of the rest of his life anyway.
If ...IF the kids had a gun, all this would be different.Very different.
My understanding is the kids drove off and then came back. To get rid of the gun...the one that the police coudn’t find. If they did drive off and come back, I would have had to acquit, on the basis that there was a very probable issue of a gun being pointed at Dunn adn they drove off to get rid of it..and then there is my reasonable doubt.