If it’s also proof of criminality, then no need to care if Wussy Crissy Matthews or cBS, or ABCSpew don’t say. Just wait for local and state charges and indictments to follow. The Dingbats in the media will eventually open their liberal fat traps. ;-)
In all honesty, it won’t be long before the liberals—at least the head honchos—want to be rid of O even more than we do. His track record is one of abject failure. Yes, he got Obamacare, but he’s botched so bad its popularity rivals bedbugs. He lost the house. He’s endangered the Senate. His own approval #s are on a long, painful slide to the bottom. To liberals’ chagrin, he failed miserably on gun control. Looks like amnesty may also die. This guy has been poison to liberalism. The mindless party faithful may not have it all figured out, but the $ ppl do. If the Senate goes GOP in Nov, we may have to get in line to file criminal charges. The Dems will beat us to it.