I guess it is going to be difficult to continue to try and present this guy as a Christian conservative. I wonder how far it will go in presenting him as another homosexual pedophile? and, BTW what is a democrat liberal doing with all those guns????
I think all of these shootings are democrats trying to sway public opinion to gun control.
Like that homosexual in Wyoming that was beaten to death and draped on a fence several years ago. It was blamed on conservatives homophobes. They still have memorial services for him with that intolerance venue in mind even though it was determined very soon after the event that he was killed by his homosexual lover and friend.
hypocrisy is the liberal’s best friend.
once a legend ....has been established by these leftist punks it becomes inthier minds fact regardless of the evidence to the contrary..be it a hate crime...or global warming.
One might call it the Dan Rather syndrome.
Even after Dan admitted that the famous George Bush “evidence” was wrong..and said as much, he still stood by the legend of his story.