which race are you talking about? i am sorry... i am lost... i do not recall anyone mentioning race... personally, i still go by the three races... caucasian, nigroid and mongoloid... i guess there is another one called australoid--but to me, australoids should be grouped with the negroid race...
I guess my confusion comes from the rallies I see concerning those in the US without going through the “proper” channels. (Trespassers) It seems every time there is such a rally and any talk of deporting people or “preventing” them from entering the US I see signs saying to do so is racist. From what I’ve read the organization using the title/going by “La Raza” translated means “the race”. So, yeah. I’m confused too. I also thought there were only 3 or 4 classifications but it would appear that some folks now classify race based on where you or your ancestors were born. That’s why I must be “Dutchish”. ;>}