Most likely this company is part of the scam.
***The ever-widening conspiracy theory scam. 14000 replications. Multiple Phycisist PHDs buying into it after demos, even some who were from the Skeptics Society. 7 independent scientists publishing a favorable independent report. This company buying into it. Lots of reputations being put on the line. Rossi pulling the wool over their eyes even when he wasn’t IN THE ROOM.
Its amazing how much is attributed to Rossi. Surely, the greatest con man in history, who can outwit 7 independent scientists without even being in the room. He also can separate highly educated investors from their money, he can pull the wool over the eyes of various reputable scientists like Focardi, even with a criminal record. He can anticipate what scientists would test for and modify his rig accordingly. Surely the greatest magician in history as well.
But what do I attribute to Rossi? That he got lucky, that he needed Focardi to further his research because he was too dim to penetrate the theory; that he was a terrible demo artist, even to the point of inviting charges of cheating; that hes mercurial and a crappy scientist, and a man of questionable character.
Occhams Razor points to the answer here. But the skeptopaths are so wrapped around the axle that they cannot reason inductively.