Congrats to your son on his achievement...Eagle Scout dad and Scoutmaster here...
Does your son know those who are on the Troop Committee? Have you introduced them to him? Has the Scoutmaster conducted any type of SM conference with him to explain the Board of Review? Has the Sr. Patrol Leader?
These are just a few of the ways to help, however, the key here is that it is an interview, not a test.
If done properly, it’s actually more of a conversation that is started by asking the Scout questions about his activities, what he does and doesn’t like, etc.
Hope this helps...
His troop is fairly cozy. The adults all interact with the kids and the kids know them all by name. He tells me he had one meeting to get to scout, but that was VERY easy. He’s afraid the next one will not be as easy.
Thank you for your comments...I’ve read them to Kidlett and he says that makes him a little less afraid.