I liked the series quite a lot as a kid. But when I’ve seen it in more recent years, I’ve found the reflexive, self-consciousness of it all to a bit grating and tiresome. That element was appealing and somewhat rare in its day, but as the whole culture has become so fully and horridly awash in that kind of thing, it’s made the old show a bit less palatable for me. I’d still probably be willing to pick up a 1st-season dvd-set, though, just for the heck of it.
Honestly, though, I’m probably more inclined to enjoy the two 1940s “Batman” movie series.
Yahoo had a story about a 1994 Fantastic Four movie that was never released. It was made in a rush, in 21 days, and is apparently really campy.
That was 20 years ago and now someone is releasing a documentary video about it. lol