Kevmo, are you admitting that it was a disaster?
Of course it was a disaster. That is because 100 MW for a nanosecond = 0.1 joules of energy. Saying that ‘it produces 100 MW of power’ and not specifying for how long, is smoke and mirrors to dupe the gullible.
I know you are going to rant that ‘the water can be fed continuously’. Get back to us when BLP generates 100 MW of sustained power for a period of one year.
But, but, but, it could power 10000 houses and cars and make our world much better.
If it worked that is.
Yes I’m saying it was a disaster, because it was a dog & pony show for investors.
I know you’re going to rant on all kinds of bullshit that you don’t bother to read up on, we all know it, and asking you not to be an asshole is simply too much to ask. So get back to us when you learned how to gauge an asshole*bandwagon index.