This first review is so hilarious that I had tears coming from my eyes and was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe while I reading it to my daughter!
I have suffered “A Night of 1,000 Waterfalls” from sugarless gummy candy. These funny reviews are spot on!!
I have suffered “A Night of 1,000 Waterfalls” from sugarless gummy candy. These funny reviews are spot on!!
I now have a bag in my Amazon Shopping Cart.
Not that I would sneak the bag into work and leave it in the break room...
Here is another good one. LOL
Oh my...I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time...thanks for posting this...what a way to start off a new work week!
That is truly hilarious! There are times when I could use one or 2 of these gummy bears but I would have to be careful.
To call what occurred next, "stomach discomfort and some laxative effect", is like calling a global pandemic of H5N9 Flu 'a slight case of the sniffles'.
My stomach began rumbling and churning like the Yellowstone Caldera in a Supervolcano event. The waves of spasms were pure torture, and only my complete incapacity and inability to move prevented me from eating a bullet from my Glock. I simply could not get to the gun.
I believe I actually twisted around several times, like you would twist-wring out a washcloth, and then, without warning, it happened. I began launching feces out my butthole at near-supersonic levels of speed, which literally tore holes in my jeans, then the roof, and according to NASA and NORAD, these feces have now entered a geosynchronous orbit -- possibly endangering several communications satellites.
But it did not end there.
Soon, I was crapping SO HARD and SO THOROUGHLY, that with a loud POP, my body literally inverted. My insides are now all on the outside, and my skin is now where my internal organs are.
I am undergoing surgery in a few days to rectify this condition.
Consider a smaller dose if you are undergoing a colonoscopy soon, and wish to avoid the cost of the colon prep. It will work just as well, cheaper.