I think what happens, at least with me, is that I go into a store with a mental picture of what it is I want, more or less. I quickly scan what’s there, and as soon as I see a close match, it’s like a trigger fires and I buy it. Then I go. I don’t think women are inclined to shop that way.
Maybe every mall could have 2 rooms set aside, one for DUmmies with rubber walls and one for normal people with talk radio and high-speed internet with FR as the homepage
It's like what another poster said: hunter vs. gatherer. The gatherer (female) goes into the field (mall), carefully going from bush to bush (i.e., store to store), comparing the various colors and sizes, discriminating the different choices to make sure which ones are safe vs. which ones are unsafe (i.e., bad value). Since this is crucial to the survival of the species, it takes a long time.
The hunter (male) goes out to the savanna (mall), spies a herd of pants, kills one, and brings it home.