I heard Patrick Caddell on a morning radio show (Mark Simone) and this former democrat pollster and campaign advisor says that the people are fed up with both parties and a change is gonna come. He points to a recent special election in Louisiana in which the heavily favored, party-supported candidate was defeated, 60-40 by a political neophyte. He says that we need a new crop of everyday folks—Mr. & Mrs. Smith, he calls them—to take this country back from the professional politicians. I couldn’t agree with him more.
Caddell a week back or so, used the word shooting, in concert with change.
It was..attention grabbing. He is not the first (recently) to intimate the spiral out of control that XS brings up
Thank you!
I agree with Pat Caddell almost all the time-he has certainly seen the effects of folly, being near and dear to Carter’s kumbaya politics-we definitely need those outside the politically connected class and families to be elected. I don’t believe the words “political” and “dynasty” should ever be used in the same sentence-it is another name for corruption.