Hey, the truth is...
...if FR boasted of a Mormon who quoted Christian leaders and gave links to their Web sites and "Free press" to their publications & books...
...THOUSANDS of times every year...
...I'd love it!!!!
I'd commend him/her.
I'd appreciate him/her.
For some reason, Mormons like you just don't seem to appreciate the reversal of that.
Why is that?
Are you truly embarrassed & shamed over what many of your leaders say? And that those comments have sneak beyond the PR gatekeepers and are eked out to the light of day?
Why is it we don't see ANY -- and I mean ANY-- "Amens" from grassroots Mormons when their leaders are cited on FR pages???
“For some reason, Mormons like you just don’t seem to appreciate the reversal of that. “
I am not and have never been a Mormon, so your mindreading missed the mark. Not only that, you are still obsessed.