God provided a way for anyone, anywhere, any time, to avoid having to pay the penalty for any wrongdoing that he committed. <> It's a gift. All free for the taking by anyone just for the asking. What more could a person want? That God force it down his throat against his will?
And just who's fault is it if man does not avail himself of that option?
An analogy might be found in the destructive eternally(?) crushing black hole as it effects matter. Might Hell, the place of the damned, be something like a black hole for spirits? The Scriptures give some very interesting clues, like the rich man in torment seeing Abraham being comforted. It would not be so comforting to Abraham if he could see the rich man in torment ... if you were inside a black hole event horizon, you could see photons coming in but someone outside of the event Horizon could not see inside the black hole because no photons would be escaping.
“God provided a way for anyone, anywhere, any time, to avoid having to pay the penalty for any wrongdoing that he committed. <> It’s a gift. All free for the taking by anyone just for the asking. What more could a person want? That God force it down his throat against his will?”
Okay, let’s say everything you say is true. If someone offers me a “gift,” I have the freedom to accept or not. Someone offers me a drink, let’s say. I don’t drink (alcohol) so I politely decline. Do I now deserve retribution? Do I deserve to suffer endlessly because I declined the gift? If I must accept or suffer excruciating consequences, is it really a gift? Since when does a gift involve coercion?
Why would a loving God create a “system” that involves everlasting torture for those who decline the gift? Would you do that? Would any decent person do that?