Indeed. Mrs. 40 taught kindergarten and some of her students, though age 5, were still not potty trained. How does a parent send their child to school at age 5 w/o first potty training them? Many of these kids suffered extreme embarrassment by being known as one who still craps themselves. I always feared for my wife who had to take these kids to the restroom. I feared the day would come when some screwed up kid would attempt to punish her for something, anything, by claiming she made inappropriate contact. It was not her job to take kids to the restroom. I finally convinced her to take or send them to the nurse which she did.
It's a parent's job to potty train their child, not that of the kindergarten teacher.
It was a never-ending battle...Mrs 40 has my complete understanding.
If her school was anything like ours, it didn’t even provide the disposable gloves to do the deed.
Kids were *never* kept home if they had a cold/flu .....lice season in the classroom in May-June was a lovely event that lasted until school dismissed for the summer.
Our school nurse was a complete waste of oxygen...she wouldn’t do her job, but b/c she was of the right *color* she retained her position.