This administration has wasted so much wealth, I cannot see how a recovery is possible. Solyndra was a flop, how much were the tax payers soaked with that? This obamacare website; A. Web. Site; over half a billion? The (as yet) untold billions the private sector has been spending to just get ready for obamacare that is now crashing and burning and the cost to revert if sanity prevails and obamacare is repealed. Wealth re-distributed via obamaphones, record level entitlement spending via borrowed dollars, couple billion to farmers of particular skin pigment, millions upon millions in “foreign aide” to what amounts are our enemies. Continuing (if not starting) wars.
Cash for clunkers anyone? Wiping out the secondary market then wholesale buying GM all the while putting many car dealerships out of business as part of the deal (yet more wealth murdered).
This administration can only be summed up one way. Is it good for America? Kill it. Does it hurt America? Dump tax payer money into it. Bottom line, the signs are clear this administration intends to put the final nail in America’s coffin.
I wonder where politicians realistically think they will live with worthless U.S. greenbacks?
The MSM cares more about her outfits